Bukit Gemok Information Centre (BGIC)
Canopy walkway - Jungle Trekking
Bukit is the Malaysian word for "Hill" and "Gemok" means fat, so literally Bukit Gemok means Fat Hill. Many of the mountains and hills around Sabah's southern town of Tawau are of volcanic origin. Bukit Gemok is a steep hill, shrouded in primary rainforest.
The forest recreation centre at Bukit Gemok was first developed at the reserve in 1992. However, this was recently upgraded and reopened in 2006 with sparkling new and modern facilities. The information centre has displays with basic facts about Sabah's diverse forests, as well as information on rainforest ecology, non-timber forest products and sustainable forest management in Sabah.
Contact Details:
Tawau District Forest Office
Locked Bag 13, 91007 Tawau
Tel: 089-922836 (Gemok Hill Centre)
089-7700644 / 761833 (DFO)
Fax: 089-764004